Many people who begin to use better edible oils are amazed at the difference in their skin. They find that their skin feels creamy, supple, soft, and lovely to the touch. Hard skin, greasy pores, zits, bumps and acne disappear. These are the most obvious changes that many people notice on using good oils along with balanced nutrition. They also get an enhanced feeling of well-being.

No one wants to look older than his or her age. But if your skin is full of premature sags and wrinkles, you cannot avoid it. You may not think of your skin as an organ. It is actually the largest organ in your body. Your skin has an extremely critical role to play as it has to provide a barrier against a very hostile environment that includes bacteria, fungi, and perpetual oxidation caused by the sun. furthermore, aging is an important factor in the appearance of autoimmune disease. The immune system may be suppressed or weakened as a result of factors such as over indulging of alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, drugs, sugars and of course poor diet and lack of sleep.

Your skins visual appearance gives you a window in to the internal state of your body. As you know when you look good, it is usually when you are feeling strong and health. When your skin has a rosy glow, this means that you’ve got good blood circulation within the skin and probably through the rest of your body. On the one hand, you often know you are getting sick when you see pallor to your skin, indicative of poor blood flow. You can bet that the rest of your body is not to far behind.

One unmistakable sign of aging is the formation of wrinkles. Scientifically speaking, wrinkles are caused by the cross-linking of collagen fibers in the skin, and the cross-linking can be accelerated by inflammation caused by the constant exposure to the sun. The most effective way to reduce wrinkle formation (other that staying completely out of the sun) is to reduce Arachidonic acid (omega 6) levels in the skin, thus decreasing the potential for the production of pro-inflammatory “bad” eicosanoids (PGE2 series).

An even more powerful approach to preventing wrinkles is to increase the levels of ‘good’ eicosanoids (PGE3 series) by increasing your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids. Due to their powerful anti-inflammatory actions, these good eicosanoids will do far more to reduce the inflammatory process that leads to wrinkles, than all the fruit acids and vitamin E creams you can possible rub on your skin. This is because ‘good’ eicosanoids are both very powerful vasodilators which increase blood flow to make your skin healthier. Increased blood therefore increases your production of the key structural proteins of the skin-collagen and elastin as you age. These structural proteins give your skin it’s firmness and elasticity. As the production of collagen and elastin decreases with aging, you skin starts to droop and sag. In order to keep collagen and elastin at increasing levels, you need to increase the blood flow to your skin, since that stimulates the enzymes that produce these structural proteins. With improved blood flow and decreased inflammation, you skin will look years younger.