Effective business presentations are essential to the growth and development of your new business. When someone expresses an interest in learning more about Vemma Opportunity you can opt for any of two presentations.


Group presentations

If you prefer to invite your prospect to a group meeting, do so immediately if possible, offer your contact ride and take him / her with you. Use your best salesmanship; be punctual; be well-groomed; and be positive without being pushy. It makes much more sense to move on to a “golden” prospect when you realize the one you are working with isn’t interested.

You should anticipate that 40% to 50% of the people who say they will attend a meeting will actually show up. This is normal, so don’t be disappointed. Just plan ahead. If you want 4 couples to attend your meeting, invite 10. This ratio dramatically improves as you employ the best possible follow-up procedures.

Selecting and setting up the Room

If you are conducting the group presentation yourself, you may choose to have the meeting in your home or in an outside meeting hall such as a hotel convention hall or a community building. When selecting a room, look for these things:

A room free of distractions inside and outside
Adequate lighting
Facilities and equipment for a video presentation.
Easy access to, from, and throughout the room with the speaker at the opposite end from the entrance.

Tip: set up enough chairs for those you are sure will attend. Have more chairs in reserve for late comers and unexpected guests.

One – on – one presentation

It may be more effective for you to share the Vemma Business opportunity with someone in the relaxed, informal atmosphere of the One-on-One presentation. Remember, you are sharing two things.

1.The importance of Vemma thinking: creating health to achieve future, and
2.Involvement in Vemma compensation plan

Use and share the products, and introduce the Vemma opportunity to others. Explain the values and benefits.

After watching the video together, encourage your contact to ask questions. This will give you an idea of what his/her primary interests in Vemma

opportunity. Then gear your presentation around that angle. Whatever the case may be, keep it simple. A brief, fact-filled presentation will always be more effective than a long-winded pitch, no matter how persuasive you think it is.