A stroke has become known as a brain attack and is the third leading cause of death in this country. A stroke cuts off oxygen to the brain causing the death of vital nerve cells. There are two types of strokes. One is called an ischemic stroke where blood flow is blocked and not enough oxygen is getting to the brain. The events leading up to this type of stroke is similar to those in heart attacks. This type accounts for two thirds of all strokes. The second type of stroke is a Hemorrhaged stroke where the artery supplying blood and oxygen to the brain bursts because of weakness in the vessel wall, usually caused by high blood pressure. The nerve cells that are normally supplied by the burst artery are deprived of oxygen and begin to die. Hence reducing elevated blood pressure has become the first line of defense to avoid a hemorrhaged stroke.
Large doses of marine oil (Omega 3 Fatty Acids) have been shown to reduce blood pressure and also reduce blood clot formation. Dutch researchers have confirmed a line between fish consumption (as little as one 3 oz. serving/week), and a reduced risk of stroke, Nothing marine oils ability to retard coagulation, a thickening of the blood that can lead to strock inducing clots.
Large doses of marine oil (Omega 3 Fatty Acids) have been shown to reduce blood pressure and also reduce blood clot formation. Dutch researchers have confirmed a line between fish consumption (as little as one 3 oz. serving/week), and a reduced risk of stroke, Nothing marine oils ability to retard coagulation, a thickening of the blood that can lead to strock inducing clots.