Dr. Denham Harmon, M.D., Ph.D., first proposed a theory of aging
as the indiscriminate chemical re-activity of free radicals possibly
leading to random biological damage.

Harman’s Free Radical Theory of Aging has been considered as a
major theory of aging for more than 50 years. In 1956 Dr. Harman
proposed that the accumulation of free radicals with the age causes
the damage of biomolecules by these reactive species and the
development of pathological disorders resulting in cell senescence
and organismal aging. His hypothesis was supported by numerous
experimental studies demonstrated an increase in free radical levels
in cells and living organisms with aging

Free Radical and Oxidative Damage in Human Blood Cells.

Free radicals and oxidative damage play important roles in aging and many
degenerative disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and Alzheimer
disease. Antioxidants can alleviate some of the harmful effects of oxidative
damage. In this report, we describe that we have been using human red blood
cells (RBCs) as a model system to delineate the effects of oxidative damage on
 human cells, particularly on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-
deficient human RBCs.

Your body constantly reacts with oxygen as you breathe and your cells produce
 energy. As a consequence of this activity, highly reactive molecules are produced
within our cells known as free radicals and oxidative stress occurs. When our
protein-controlled (anti)-oxidant-response doesn’t keep up oxidative stress causes
oxidative damage that has been implicated in the cause of many diseases (see list
below on the left) and also has an impact on the body’s aging process.

Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health

In recent years, there has been a great deal of attention toward the field of free radical chemistry. Free
radicals reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species are generated by our body by various
endogenous systems, exposure to different physiochemical conditions or pathological states. A balance
 between free radicals and antioxidants is necessary for proper physiological function. If free radicals
overwhelm the body's ability to regulate them, a condition known as oxidative stress ensue

Some internally generated sources of free radicals are:

  • Mitochondria
  • Xanthine oxidase
  • Peroxisomes
  • Inflammation
  • Phagocytosis
  • Arachidonate pathways
  • Exercise
  • Ischemia/reperfusion injury

Some externally generated sources of free radicals are:

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Radiation
  • Certain drugs, pesticides
  • Industrial solvents
  • Ozone

Lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress genes and dietary factors in breast cancer
protection: a hypothesis

There is ample evidence supporting a causative role of lipid peroxidation in selected human cancers,
including kidney, liver and skin, and in degenerative diseases.
In experimental models, estrogen treatment induces lipid peroxidation and subsequently increases the
incidence of renal cell cancer [32,33]. Because estrogen is a risk factor for breast cancer, it has been
hypothesized, based on this model, that lipid peroxidation may be one mechanism by which estrogen
increases breast cancer risk [11].
But estrogen induces renal cancer or liver cancer in this experimental model, not breast cancer. Indeed,
lipid peroxidation may be a relevant mechanism for renal carcinogenesis, a concept that we have
proposed and that is strongly supported by experimental and epidemiological data [32-34]

In multicellular organisms, cells that are no longer needed or are a threat to the organism are destroyed by
 a tightly regulated cell suicide process known as programmed cell death, or apoptosis.

Implications of oxidative stress and cell membrane lipid peroxidation in human cancer (Spain). Cejas P,
Casado E, Belda-Iniesta C, De Castro J, Espinosa E, ...

Lipid peroxidation refers to the oxidative degradation of lipids. It is the process in which free radicals "steal"
electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage. This process proceeds by a free radical
 chain reaction mechanism. It most often affects polyunsaturated fatty acids, because they contain multiple
double bonds in between which lie methylene bridges (-CH2-) that possess especially reactive
As with any radical reaction, the reaction consists of three major steps: initiation, propagation, and
Watch how human brain works:

Our brain operates much like a computer, only is capable of more than any computer could do, and
holds more  information than a thousand computers. It can recall information faster than any
processor, and does nott need a schedule to know to defrag or compact files.
Your brain is on duty 24/7, taking in everything you see, hear, smell, touch and taste. If some connections (neurons) are not working as they should new ones are formed to reroute the
communication to another connection. Millions of neurons are working throughout our bodies at all
hours of the day and night, telling us to breathe, sleep, blood to flow and even that we are not
feeling welL.